Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hard Times

It seems everyone is worried about the state of the economy and the viability of our dollar, with plenty of reason. Today I read an article about people cutting corners and those who are hurting bad are even abandoning their pets. This hurt my heart. Zola is not expendable, she would live with me on the streets before I would give her up. I have even told Joey if she were to ever need medicine that was super expensive I would take on another job if I had to (obsessive?). That is also assuming there were another job to be had... I wish I made more money and I would start a foundation to provide medical attention, spay/neuter and dog food to people who were facing hard times. Maybe I will try to get a charity group going. Dogs are there through thick and thin and they don't judge along the way. That is why I will stick by Zola no matter what!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Today was the first 'short sleeved' day we have had in awhile. It felt nice but it was too windy (we're tough to please). I took Zola out for awhile while I worked on a project. When I looked up to check on her I noticed she had found something to play with. I was alarmed because I could tell it was something that was once alive. At first glance from across the yard I thought it was a mouse but it ended up being a bird wing! YUCK! To make matters worse I couldn't get her to drop it (this is why it is bad to spoil dogs). I held her by the neck as I tried to grasp the end of the wing under my foot. After what seemed an eternity I finally got her to drop it, then I had to find something to pick it up with. This was a horrifying experience. I hope she doesn't get some weird disease, I guess dogs are pretty resilient to those type of things. Needless to say, she won't be kissing me anytime soon! Ewe! I will never understand why dogs love stinky dead things....

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Better late than never

We had a busy Saturday so I'm a day late but Happy Valentine's Day! Meet "Valentine" the piglet born with a heart shaped spot.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Superbowl 43

Sunday we went to a Super Bowl watch party at my Joey's parents. We got Zola from his aunt Belinda who has two children, Brady and Madelyn. They were at the party and they always love seeing Zola. Oddly enough, Zola allows Brady and Madelyn to lug her around but isn't to fond of other kids. Here is what Zola puts up with:
I guess Zola doesn't mind being treated like a rag doll once in awhile. In fact, she always goes back for tummy rubs from the kids. Maybe it's because Maddie is just too adorable. At the end of it all she is usually ready to come home and relax, sometimes she seeks rescue before we make it home:
Being animal lovers and supporters of the "underdog" we were rooting for the Cardinals, so close! It was a fun time anyhow.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Love Children and Dachshunds?

I saw this book on the cover of the A&E section of the Sunday paper. It's called Zack the Prairie Dog by Charles Decker from Norman, Oklahoma. The cover illustration is brilliant and the concept of the book is very important. It's about autism awareness and acceptance. You can read the full story on the website, it's very touching. I haven't read the book but I plan on checking it out, spread the love in February!