Sunday, January 17, 2010

An Odd Dog

Sunday is a lazy day around my house. Zola and I sleep in and the lounge around the house. Most of the time I'm working on projects on the computer or researching my upcoming project. This Sunday was no different. Zola attempts to get comfortable as best she can while I'm seated at the kitchen table. This morning she was struggling. I guess she decided she'd try a new approach. She crawled up into my shirt and proceeded to lie atop the chair back. It was a rather odd and difficult position. After a few minutes of restlessness she seemed comfortable. I, on the other hand, was not. It was also not an easy task to remove her. Silly dog, makes for a story and some nice photos:Yes, there's a dog back there. See? A little help please, she's ready for birth! It's Siamese Twins!

ps. No comments on my jammies!

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