Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Summertime, oh, summertime! That being said, it's time for crickets! Cricket invasion! Tonight I let Zola out and she happened to find one of the noisy little buggers on the patio. She has always had a fascination with bugs but I think this was her first encounter with the lively cricket. I have never seen anything as adorable as Zola playing with that cricket. It would jump and she would lower her front paws as her tail wagged wildly. It didn't take long for a rhythm to develop: cricket -jump Zola- hop, paw. Jump, hop, paw; Jump, hop, paw. It was like a cartoon. I am amazed at how delicate she is with her insect playmates although most of them end up dead anyhow. The cricket lived as it made it through the fence pickets but Zola was sad to see it go. I wish I would have filmed it or at least gotten a photo but it was dark outside. I'm sure she there will be other bugs in the future

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