Friday, December 5, 2008

View from below

We are having a Christmas gift exchange in our office so I have been trolling in search of a gift for our network admin.(the name I drew). It was by chance that I came upon this: (how is it I always manage to find stuff I want when shopping for others...selfish selfish!)

I just love thinkgeek item descriptions:
Doggy Blackmail
"All day long you toil at your office. And all day long your dog(s) and/or cat(s) sit around awaiting your return, doing nothing but miss you. Or so you think. But how can you find out what your pet really does all day? It's easy, if you have a Pet's Eye View Digital Camera. Just clip it to their collar, and it will record snapshots of their day! You'll have a photo diary of your pet's travels and travails.
Set the timer to record a shot every 1, 5, or 15 minutes and the Pet's Eye View Digital Camera is good to go. At the end of the day, you can download the shots to your computer and see what your pet did all day. The camera is plug-and-play, so there's no software to load (it basically works like a thumb drive)! Who chewed up your slippers when you were at work? Now you have photographic evidence - it was your neighbor, Eric. Bad Eric - bad neighbor."

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