Monday, November 23, 2009

Itchin for Attention

Lately I have been a busy lady. Poor Zola has watched from the wings, or the window seal rather. Since she's my constant companion I feel I owe her. I've designated Sundays 'Zola Day.' Most people give it to god, similarly, I give mine to dog. The past couple Sundays we've headed out to my folks house. Zola loves it out there. A fenced in acre to peruse. Doesn't get much better than that for a nosy nose. She can spend hours outside. Mom gave her a toy and she lugged it all around the yard while I chased her. It's almost as big as her. When she looks at me with those eyes it just break my heart. I have to chase her even if I am wearing clogs. After all, we have to make compromises for our loved ones.

I know she loves visiting the country because every time we load up the car to head home we have to chase her around and carry her to the car. She would love to stay. She also adore my parents. They are typical grandparents, spoiling her with able scraps and belly rubs. It's a new and lovely ritual for my little soul-mate!

Monday, November 9, 2009


This weekend Zola got a bath. I've battled fleas for the past 5 months. I just don't know what to do. She has vaccine reactions so I'm very cautious of foreign substances. Everyone suggest the flea/tick preventative that you place between their shoulder blades but I'm not convinced. A friend told me that she accidentally spilled some of the preventive on her wood floors and it ate the varnish away. After hearing that I vowed to stay away from that stuff. My general policy is, 'If I won't use it or trust the ingredients I'm not giving it to Zola." Needless to say she gets a bath every 2 weeks or so. I've treated my yard, used garlic tablets (for dogs) but with I can't prevail. If you have any suggestions as to safe flea preventative, I'm all ears.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ZZ's Two!

I can't believe it's been two years since my little girl was born! She is still so vibrant and rambunctious. This year her celebration was very low key. She enjoyed it but by the end she was worn out. I made her a little cracker cube filled with turkey and cheese. It was glued together by peanut butter. Delicious! Happy Birthday Zola Von Z!

Monday, September 28, 2009


Zola's quite the ham. My friend took these photos with her iPhone. She called this pose "Zola's Sexy Pose." Indeed, it's provocative. Zola's birthday is tomorrow. Depending on the weather I figure we may stroll over to the park and have a little picnic. Last year we had a very exciting part for her first birthday. This year, in honor of her turning 2 I thought it should just be the two of us.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Oldest Dog Dies

Bless her heart! I can only hope Zola sticks around for that long!

Sunday, August 16, 2009


We haven't posted in awhile but all is well. Zola and I have had a busy summer. We have had many changes which have resulted in new routines and adjustments. As always, we have adapted and come closer in return. I wanted to share this video that I received this morning from a friend of mine, also a dachshund owner.

This stubborn behavior and the sideways looks are so typical of the dachshund. I don't know how many times I have seen Zola stuck in a position like this and give me those same eyes. Oh how we spoil them! They are just to cute to discipline.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Lazy Days

This is what I woke up next to Saturday morning: It's not the best picture because it was taking on my phone but it's Zola laying beside me like a person. We are quite the pack!

Later that afternoon I went to check out the Philbrook Museum and there were many pieces indicative of how inspiring our four legged friends can be:

Mr and Mrs. Dane were so regal and strong. If they would have fit in my purse I would have nabbed them (as if I'm that smooth).

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Today has been sweltering. It's so humid it's almost unbearable. Zola doesn't seem to mind the heat. She keeps wanting me to sit outside with her and I can only endure for about 10 minutes. I decided to hook up the sprinkler and see if Zola would play in it. She hates water but I figured if I would run around in it she would too. She would chase me around and try to stay out of the water but the radius was to much for her to avoid. I think in the end she had fun even if she acts like she doesn't like the water.
Ps. It's difficult to take a picture by yourself without a tripod and camera. In my favor, I do think it's an interesting perspective.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Summertime, oh, summertime! That being said, it's time for crickets! Cricket invasion! Tonight I let Zola out and she happened to find one of the noisy little buggers on the patio. She has always had a fascination with bugs but I think this was her first encounter with the lively cricket. I have never seen anything as adorable as Zola playing with that cricket. It would jump and she would lower her front paws as her tail wagged wildly. It didn't take long for a rhythm to develop: cricket -jump Zola- hop, paw. Jump, hop, paw; Jump, hop, paw. It was like a cartoon. I am amazed at how delicate she is with her insect playmates although most of them end up dead anyhow. The cricket lived as it made it through the fence pickets but Zola was sad to see it go. I wish I would have filmed it or at least gotten a photo but it was dark outside. I'm sure she there will be other bugs in the future

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Big Bark

Chihuahuas. You either love them or you despise their yippy little barks. I have grown up around a couple of the greatest Chihuahuas ever. It's been quite an experience and I think the most important thing I have learned is that no matter how cute they are they are "one owner" dogs. Loyal companions with a "bit" of a Napoleon complex. How would you react if you were viewing the world from their eyes? I know I'd be on defense 99% of the time.

I caught this story this morning on the national news. If you haven't experienced the joy of Chihuahua ownership and don't understand why anyone would want such a dog maybe this will convince you:

View more news videos at:

Saturday, June 13, 2009


This afternoon Zola and I had a little get together to celebrate my brother's b-day and some anniversaries. We had a delicious lunch and sat out on out new patio for awhile. It was great to see everyone I wish it would have been a little cooler but nothing's perfect.
The Birthday boy, Felisha and Zola's favorite cousin, Kujo!

This picture is so funny. Just look at that "ear-to-ear" grin on Zola's face!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Summer Breeze #2

Zola and I just got back from the second concert in the Summer Breeze Concert Series. Tonight, Travis Linville. He is from Norman and plays a mixture of blues and bluegrass with a smidgen of jazz. I have to admit I liked the last concert better, I don't favor country and some of his stuff bordered that style. Zola did better this time around although she was pretty restless throughout. She does ok when there aren't other dogs around and when children aren't running around chasing one another.

All-and-all, it was a fair night, a storm is rolling in so we cut out early. Now a cup of tea and a shower to rinse off the bug spray, then it's bedtime! Hope everyone had a delightful weekend!
Here is a photo of the band and a couple action shots of Zola:

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Outdoor Lounging

Last weekend my mom came over to help me finish the patio. It's done! Now it's time for citronella torches and grilling. I haven't had a chance to spread some grass seed since we tore up the yard so picture the dirt with lush, green grass! Zola and I can't wait to spend evenings lounging outside.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chasing Cats

Tonight I took a drive and when I got back I let Zola outside. She sniffed around and then found things weren't quite right. A cat was in her yard! She chased it off and then proceeded to sniff around for about 20 minutes. I guess she was making sure there weren't any intruders hiding elsewhere. She is a silly dog.

After her little escapade she was pretty worn out. She came in wanting to cuddle up and relax. So far this is the highlight of her day, and perhaps her week.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summer Breeze

This evening was beautiful, lucky for the Summer Breeze Concert Series and the band, Elephant Revival. You can check Elephant Revival out here. Zola and I took a blanket an 'popped a squat.' Everyone kept approaching Zola wanting to pet her but she is just a little beast. Kids kept running up to our pad and she would growl viciously. I wish she were nicer and more social but I am happy that she is my protector. She could never physically protect me but she is alarming so that is a plus. Anyway we sat for awhile listened to some great music and walked a bit soaking up springtime weather (which is near nonexistent here). What a beautiful night!

The band:

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Apparently Betas are prone to constipation. Fun stuff eh? Last week my fish, Ziggy, was acting really weird. He was just floating sideways on the top of the water. After inspection I realized he couldn't swim downward. Thanks to Joey and the internet I found out he had a broken swim bladder. One remedy was to cook a pea, peel the skin and get them to eat some of it. This was definitely easier said than done but I tried. I was worried that he was going to die but Thursday I came home and he was back to normal YAY!
Fish are hard to photo. Pointers welcome, apologies for poor quality.

Monday, May 11, 2009

I have been bad about posting lately. Apologies. Last Saturday we went to the Dachshund Dash, which benefited the Oklahoma Human Society. It was a lot of fun, there were so many adorable dogs. We missed the entry date so Zola wasn't racing this year but maybe next year. I really think she could win it!
These were the doxie boxes. It was pretty silly watching them try to wrestle their dogs into them.3,2,1...And they're off!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Warm Weather

Today was a beautiful day! It was sunny with a little breeze. We took a leisure walk:

Zola is still working on her problem solving.

We passed 7 fire hydrants on our walk! Zola thoroughly checked out 3 but by the 4th one she was no longer interested. I sure hope this weather last!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

"Please Hang on For Me..."

From Postsecret:
This brought a tear to my eye. Our pets become family members and we don't realize how we have neglected relationships until it's to late. Hopefully it won't be to late for this person! Long live the Dog!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Monday, Eh... I wish I were reclining like this fair lady but unfortunately I'm working. Also note, there's Zola! Relaxing wouldn't be the same without man's best friend. (The painting is David's "Portrait of Madame Recamier.")

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Happy April!

Today we took a trip to the annual Medieval fair. It was pretty windy and cold, so it was a short lived trip but Zola enjoyed eating some over priced turkey leg. I put her in her little chartreuse colored sweater and she stole the show! I wish we have went yesterday but we were busy with various 'family festivities.' We also did a lot of yard work. Here is Zola enjoying her soon-to-be "retro oasis!"

Monday, March 9, 2009


This weekend was pretty lazy. I did do a couple of projects but Zola and I spent most of the time in front of the TV. We are now able to stream Netflix instant play movies from our PS3 so I watched several movies. One, was a foreign film, CJ7 it was very cute and I was very impressed with the alien dog:
CJ7 was a feel good movie, I recommend it for family viewing although it does have subtitles so make sure the kids can read!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

You're Not Alone

This makes me incredibly happy too! Can't wait to see them again, miss you, Bubba, Blue, Gray, Shadow and Lulu! From

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Hard Times

It seems everyone is worried about the state of the economy and the viability of our dollar, with plenty of reason. Today I read an article about people cutting corners and those who are hurting bad are even abandoning their pets. This hurt my heart. Zola is not expendable, she would live with me on the streets before I would give her up. I have even told Joey if she were to ever need medicine that was super expensive I would take on another job if I had to (obsessive?). That is also assuming there were another job to be had... I wish I made more money and I would start a foundation to provide medical attention, spay/neuter and dog food to people who were facing hard times. Maybe I will try to get a charity group going. Dogs are there through thick and thin and they don't judge along the way. That is why I will stick by Zola no matter what!